We are the hands of Christ.
Visit to find out more about each individual seminarian!
Considering that the Eucharist is the greatest gift our Lord gives to his Church, we must ask for priests since the priesthood is a gift for the Church. We must pray insistently for this gift. We must ask for it on our knees."
-Pope John Paul II
Permanent Deacons of the Diocese of Victoria will have their annual retreat from March 1 thru 3 at the Spiritual Renewal Center. Please keep them in prayer. Anyone interested in the Permanent Diaconate Program may contact Deacon Chuck Glenn at deaconchuck@live.com or (979) 253-9616
1. Fully Alive - 7-part series on what it means to live life to the fullest Website
2. Into the Breach - apostolic exhortation for men; short, powerful, and easy-to-read.Online, Video
3. Kapaun's Men - 8-week series that invites you to walk the path of holiness alongside brothers. Website
4. Patriarch Men's Groups - free resources for starting groups to grow in faith & lead your family. Website
5. That Man is You! - men's leadership and formation program; free for parishes. Website
1. Covenant Eyes - application to help men break free from addiction to pornography. Website
2. E5Men - Catholic men fasting for their wives on a regular basis (at least monthly). Website
3. Exodus 90 - 90-day Catholic spiritual exercise for men to grow in faith and virtue. Website
4. Rise - 30-day challenge to help you live out your faith in everyday life; free to join. Website
5. Strive - 21-day challenge to help men break free from addiction to pornography. Website